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Shuhan Zheng (鄭)

I am a researcher at Hitachi Central Research Lab.
I received my degree of Master of Engineering from the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) in 2023 with Outstanding Thesis Awards (優秀修士論文賞), supervised by Prof. Gouhei Tanaka and Prof. Akira Hirose. Before that, I received my Bachelor’s degree in physics with Summa cum laude from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in 2021, supervised by Prof. Quanying Liu.


2024/04~Present Researcher @ Hitachi

2023/10~2024/01 Part-time researcher @ UTokyo and Nagoya Institute of Technology

2022/10~2022/12 Part-time Engineer @ PFN

2022/08~2022/09 Research Intern @ PFN w/ Dr. Nontawat

2021/12~2022/03 Machine Learning Intern @ Hitachi China Research Lab

Recent News

[24/09/24] I am honored to be one of the Program Committee of 3rd Table Representation Learning Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024. It's an awesome workshop!

[24/08/04] We public our official code implementation of DiffRI (Diffusion Model for Relational Inference) on GitHub! Check it out:)

[24/04/01] I started working in Hitachi R&D!

[24/01/23] I passed 日本語能力試験 JLPT N1!

[23/09/22] Today, I graduated from UTokyo and received the Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award (優秀修士論文)! I want to express my gratitude to the amazing teachers and friends I met at UTokyo. :)


Diffusion model for relational inference. [arxiv] [code]
Shuhan Zheng, Ziqiang Li, Kantaro Fujiwara, Gouhei Tanaka.

Diffusion models for missing value imputation in tabular data. [arxiv] [code]
Shuhan Zheng, Nontawat Charoenphakdee (2022). NeurIPS 2022 First Table Representation Workshop.

Kuramoto model based analysis reveals oxytocin effects on brain network dynamics. [arxiv]
Shuhan Zheng, Zhichao Liang, Youzhi Qu, Qingyuan Wu, Haiyan Wu, Quanying Liu (2021). International Journal of Neural Systems.

Graph theoretic analysis reveals intranasal oxytocin induced network changes over frontal regions. [biorxiv]
Shuhan Zheng, Diksha Punia, Haiyan Wu, Quanying Liu (2021). Neuroscience.